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The CLI supports generating auto-completions scripts for bash and zsh.


CLI auto-completions only work when running the pvault CLI binary file. It will NOT work when running the CLI from a container.

To enable auto-completions select your environment and follow these instructions:

MacOS using Homebrew

When installing the CLI using Homebrew, auto-completions are automatically installed for this session and all future sessions:

brew install piiano/tap/pvault-cli


Run the following commands:

pvault completions bash > ~/.pvault/completions.bash
source ~/.pvault/completions.bash

Enable auto-completions for all future sessions by sourcing the script in your shell configuration file ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.


When using bash, you may also need to install bash-completion:

brew install bash-completion


Run the following commands:

pvault completions zsh > ~/.pvault/completions.zsh
source ~/.pvault/completions.zsh

Enable auto-completions for all future sessions by sourcing the script in your shell configuration file ~/.zshrc.