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Define new policies

Learn how to define new policies and add them to a role

In Vault, the ability of a user to work with data is determined by the policies associated with their role.

This guide shows how to define policies for a role.


This guide uses the Dashboard user and the DashboardRole role create it in Define users. The user must also have the capabilities added to the role in Add capabilities to a role. To exercise the examples you also need an API token for Dashboard , the process for obtaining an API token is described in Regenerate user API key. You also need a copy of the IAM configuration file, the step to getting this file is described in Update the IAM configuration.


To create and view objects in a collection the role of the user must have at least one policy that allows this operation and no policies that deny it.

The default IAM Configuration of Vault, contains the definitions for PolWriteAll and PolReadAll. Do not add them again. The third policy, PolDenyAccessEmail, needs to be added to the DashboardRole role like this:

  1. In the IAM configuration file, edit the [policies] section so that it contains these three policies:

    policy_type = "allow"
    operations = ["write"]
    reasons = ["*"]
    resources = ["*"]

    policy_type = "allow"
    operations = ["read"]
    reasons = ["*"]
    resources = ["*"]

    policy_type = "deny"
    operations = ["read"]
    reasons = ["*"]
    resources = ["employees/properties/email"]

    The PolWriteAll policy provides write access to all resources for any reason. The PolReadAll policy provides read access to all resources for any reason. The PolDenyAccessEmail denies read and write access to the email property of the employees collection.

  2. Now, edit the [roles.DashboardRole] section, adding these three policies to the role.

    capabilities = ["CapCollectionsReader", "CapCollectionsWriter", "CapDataReader", "CapDataWriter"]
    policies = ["PolWriteAll", "PolReadAll", "PolDenyEmailRead"]
  3. Apply the IAM configuration to Vault.


Adding these three policies to the DashboardRole role allows the user Dashboard to perform all of these operations:

  1. Create an object in the employees collection specifying values for both the email and age properties.
  2. Read the age property of all objects in the collection, but not the email property.

To demonstrate this, add an object with the Dashboard user like this:

  1. Create a file called object.json and add this text that describes a new object for the employees collection:

    "email": "",
    "age": 45
  2. Using the CLI, add the object passing in the object definition and the API token of the user Dashboard:

    pvault object add --collection employees --fields @object.json
  3. This command succeeds because the Dashboard user has a role with the policy PolWriteAll that allows to write and no policies that deny it. You receive a response similar to this:

    | id |
    | 5b4e0586-c5ba-4f95-bf96-81c893eba2bd |

    Note the value of the id returned in the response, as it is needed to identify the new object in read operations.

Now, attempt to read all properties of the object with the Dashboard user like this:

  1. Using the CLI, run this command:

    pvault object get --collection employees --id ${ID} --authtoken apiKey --all-unsafe
  2. This fails, because the role of the Dashboard user has a policy that denies access to the email property and the operation requests read access to all properties. You receive a response similar to this:

    ERR Error code: PV1006, Status code: 403, Message: The operation is forbidden due to a policy access denial., Context: map[username:Dashboard]

Though access to all properties is denied, access to the age property is possible, because the DashboardRole role has the policy PolReadAll that allows the age property to be read, and no policy that denies it.

To demonstrate this, read the age property for the object, like this:

  1. Using the CLI, run this command:

    pvault object get --collection=employees --id ${ID} --props=age

    Unlike the previous command, this command uses the --props option to request read access for specific properties.

  2. This command succeeds. You should receive this response:

    Displaying 1 result.
    | age |
    | 45 |

Using the --props option to access the email property fails, for the same reason that using the option --all-unsafe fails.